To be able to buy a discounted Deutschland-Ticket, you need a proof of eligibility, the Hessenpass mobil.
The Hessenpass mobil is available to anyone who lives in Hessen and receives at least one of the below-mentioned social welfare services:
- receive a citizen's allowance,
- receive housing benefit,
- receive social assistance,
or are asylum seekers.
In concrete terms, this means: persons entitled to benefits in accordance with § 7 of the Second Book of the Social Code (SGB II), persons entitled to housing benefit in accordance with § 3 Paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the Housing Benefit Act (WoGG), persons entitled to benefits in accordance with § 19 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB XII) who receive regular benefits in accordance with the third or fourth chapter of SGB XII, and persons entitled to benefits in accordance with § 1 of the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG).
The Hessenpass mobil is automatically sent to the entitled persons by the locally responsible office. When purchasing the discounted Deutschland-Ticket, the Hessenpass mobil must be presented to the sales office.
If you receive Bürgergeld from one of the following job centres, you will not automatically receive the certificate:
- City of Darmstadt
- City of Frankfurt am Main
- District of Gießen
- District of Limburg-Weilburg
- City of Kassel
- District of Kassel
- Schwalm-Eder District
- Waldeck-Frankenberg district
- Wetterau district
- Werra-Meißner district
In this case, you will receive the certificate on request from your locally responsible social benefits agency.